I know, I know, you love Target, and they have such neat stuff and it's kind of like Wal-Mart with a little style and you really wish I were with you so you could work in calling it Tar-jet, like some French word or something. Too bad. They screwed me on their return policy and I have not set foot in a Target since! So, please 'enjoy' the letter I sent them. As always, click on the image for a much better view. And remember, shop elsewhere!
Though it will be funny if they try and send me a t-shirt to make up.
Giggle. Laughing. Seriously out loud. But I hate that "LOL" shit, so I'm not gonna say it here.
Yeah well I wasn't laughing when this all went down!&%(&$@^*#$&&
Maybe there should be an LOl thing for how I was feeling- ATHAFAF- About To Have A Freaking Apoplectic Fit!
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