So the first letter ever to go out in the OomBa Mailbag was to the Bluebonnet Nudist Resort in Alvord, Texas. I inquired as to how accomadating they would be to a poor gent with a bit of a hairy situation. Read the whole sad tale yourself right here. Click on the letter for a much better view.

Well, a few weeks later a LARGE PRIORITY! package arrived from the resort. How exciting, possibly it was a stack of legal warnings from their lawyers. Nope. Super cool Edy and Bluebonnet sent me a great T-Shirt. For FREE! My daughter examined the package and wondered "They paid $4.60 to send that to YOU?" Well, it is OomBa Mail, right?
The super gracious and welcoming letter inside showed the Bluebonnet Park to be a First Class business, and...

The FREE T-SHirt sure as hell didn't hurt either! Thanks Edy and Bluebonnet for being so kind and fir that, you receive a FREE link on OomBa Mail, for like... forever!

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